I read a whole book!

Last night, I finally finished reading What's Going on in There, which I started in December or thereabouts.  Since then, long weeks have passed in which I did not read at all, or picked it up only to read one or two pages. Between January and mid-May, I don't think I read more than ten pages on any one day, and usually much less than that.

When Nova went to sleep earlier than usual three nights ago I set out to read 15 pages and wound up reading nearly 40.  It felt so good to really get into a book and feel my brain stir to life again.  I nodded off with only one chapter left to read (the second-to-last, because I'd skipped around).  The following night I was too tired to pick it up at all, but last night I read those last 15 pages.  I have now read a full-length book with Nova at my side.

What's Going on in There was pretty good, but like many books, it dragged in the middle. I found myself more interested again towards the end when it started talking about language development and the stages of growth that are just ahead for Nova.  I probably should have read it when I was pregnant, and the whole story was ahead of us, but maybe it's just as well I didn't, because my mind was a sieve then, too.

The final chapter was called "How to Raise a Smarter Child" and I regret to report that we're already failing Nova here and there, but I hope her genes will make up for our lapses as parents.  Although I talk to her a fair amount, I don't think I keep up the endless stream of chatter that she would need to be extra-precocious verbally.  I probably should have started reading to her already, but at this point I don't know how to get her to sit still long enough for a 5-minute picture book... unless she's sleeping, which I won't interfere with!  

I am looking forward to reading more books soon, but I don't know if I'll reach my goal of finishing Crossed before the end of the month.


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