A Very Active Baby

Nova is nine months old tomorrow and she's working on walking.  When she was younger, people often commented on how alert she seemed compared to other babies her age, and even in the womb, in the long weeks of gearing up for labor, her activity level drew comment whenever I had monitors strapped to me.  

I attribute her frequent kicking and subsequent explorations in part to the constant stream of caffeine I send her, first through the umbilical cord and now through breastmilk, but I think it's also just her personality.  Still, it didn't seem important until recently, when she's gotten much more mobile.  

We've met up with several babies her age lately, and she enjoys their company but she's crawling circles around them, poking at their eyes, grabbing their noses, and sometimes even stepping on them.  Many other babies her age, especially boys, are still inching around on thier bellies.  The differences are getting a lot more noticeable.  She's generally happy and quite sociable, so it never occurred to me, until recently, that she might be more demanding than the average baby. 

She already has a well-established taste for electronics and anything sharp and mechanical (unless its engine is running) and is trying to help me type, so I'd better go take her outside to chase the poor dog again.  


Unknown said…
Wah, just wait till she learns to talk! For different reasons, I've often find myself wondering this with Kiko: "Is he more demanding than other kids or is it just me?!" The good part is, there's no danger of ever becoming bored. The downside is... it's so exhausting!

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