What desk?

I was just looking at Sherry's blog in which she shares the following tip:

"Clean up your desk."

It reminded me that I do not have a desk at the moment. Our apartment is small and frequently over-populated.  My files are in boxes in closets and my current writing projects are mostly tucked into folders on the living room bookshelves.  In October when I was working on four different projects and doing a lot of revision the lack of a desk was driving me crazy.  I wanted to convert the "spare" room into a study/nursery so I could have a fixed place to work and spread out my charts and marked up pages.  

October passed and no room-re-arranging happened. Now it's November and I just finished day 9 of NaNoWriMo. Things have changed.  All I'm doing is writing -- adding words to a single document. I hardly even check my plot notes or the minimal research I've done.  Not having a desk is a distinct advantage at this stage of writing.  

16k and counting!


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