
Last night, Mike came home thinking that it was Pancake Tuesday, which is what they have in Ireland instead of Mardi Gras.  He asked if we could have pancakes for dinner just as I was rolling out the pizza dough (I tried to spin and stretch it out the first few times, but I've switched to rolling lately).  I felt bad about missing the opportunity to participate in an important cultural observance.

The good news is, yesterday wasn't Shrove Tuesday.  The big day is next week, so I have plenty of time to prepare and stock up on eggs.  

As a result of this pancake scare, I just spent about an hour looking at pancake recipes on  I wonder, is this too obsessive?  Have I gone over into the dark side of competitive housewifery?  Will I suddenly take out a subscription to Martha Stewart Magazine?  Shouldn't I be writing instead?  

But just think of the food that could be made!  I want to make Turkish Zucchini Pancakes and Buckwheat Pancakes with Smoked Salmon in addition to the usual Shrove Tuesday Pancakes. I know I should probably stick to just one kind of pancake and not juggle untold complications of batter while Nova wants to be held on my hip and take part in all the exciting hot-butter frying.  I don't know what I'll do, but at least I'll be prepared when Tuesday comes!

Meanwhile, Nova is still napping. I'd better at least look at my writing while I have the chance.


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