Nova's growing vocabulary

A few months ago I reported on Nova's early words in the post Nova is Walking! For months after I wrote that post, her vocabulary remained stagnant, and even shrunk a bit.  I don't think she used the word "baba" once between September and March, then all of a sudden, about three weeks ago, it was back. 

More words followed.  Last night I attempted to compile a list of Nova's current words, including those that I'm not 100% sure of (followed by a ? in the list bellow)

Baba (baby)
ballaballap (balloon)
bubum (butter)
bye-bye (also used to mean, "let's go already!" when I'm taking too long to get out of the house)
buttbutt (button, including especially bellybutton) 
dat (that) 
dog (Nova's favorite word)
dark (not very precisely pronounced)
duck (a very popular word these days, second only to "dog."  It includes all birds.)
hat/head/hair (not sure if she's distinguishing between these yet)
lamlamnun (salmon, the smoked kind, her favorite food)
lo (light)
lolo (flower? yellow?)
mama (of course!)
mellummellum (not sure what this means, but it's often something like, "Give me that!")
nana (banana)
Nana (grandmother)
Nono (for Noreen, our housemate)

That's pretty much the full list for the moment, but it's growing fast. Nova is also walking very well at this point and climbing better than is really good for her.  She's got long curly hair and still loves dogs despite having been knocked over by them a few times.  She's getting more interested in books and is still very social.  

The Elimination Communication is going pretty well, but is by no means perfect and we're still going through stacks of diapers, usually between 6 and 10 per 24 hours.  The biggest recent development happened about two months ago.  Nova started taking herself to the potty when we were around the house.  These days she will usually go to the potty when she needs to if she's at home and not wearing a diaper, but it's not 100% and falls apart completely when she's tired or has been eating a lot of oranges.  Now that I know she "gets it," I've gone very lax about taking her to the potty when we're out of the house, especially at playgroups, and have pretty much given up on nighttime pottying. She clearly knows what the potty is for, and I trust that she'll soon be ale to communicate her needs more verbally (so I can understand her better when we're out of the house and I'm distracted).

 Nova's feet are growing almost as fast as her ability to communicate, leaving me shocked at the price of decent children's shoes.  


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