Photos of our Vineyard wedding

The truly impressive thing about this wedding, if I do say so myself, is that the party came together on 48 hours' notice -- including ordering a gigantic cake.  

We had planned to get married here in December or January, but Nova's late arrival, followed by the usual busyness of Christmas, then Mike's getting stuck in Ireland, fouled up that plan.  Next, we had a date in late March all lined up in Ireland, but the lawyer had given us bad advice regarding the byzantine workings of Ireland's Health Board, which governs civil marriages over there.  They told us that we didn't have the papers in order for a late March wedding, and gave us a date of May 1st.  We were all set for that when the news came in that we had to be back here to deal with a legal issue.  This sudden trip derailed that plan, so we were re-scheduled for June 6th with the bureaucrats at Shantalla.  

The issue which had called me back was finally resolved on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, which freed me up to plan a wedding.  For Friday!  It's been a pretty chaotic couple of weeks, but this was a very happy way to wrap up our visit to America.  We're heading back to Ireland in a couple of days, ready for all the bureaucracies of immigration etc.  

We still plan on having another party, over in Ireland, but this one was great.  Our friends, relatives and neighbors set us up with a great potluck dinner, and the short notice meant that there was a lot less pressure in some ways.  I'm sort of sad that my further-flung friends and relatives, especially my grandmother Nancy, weren't able to be there, but I'm also glad that we're married at last.  


Unknown said…
These are such lovely photos. It's great you got married there - it looks as if you had beautiful weather for the wedding too.

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