Mastitis meanderings

Late Thursday night I came down with a bout of mastitis, aches and pains all over, chills and general malliase.  I had a pretty good idea what was happening, so I went in to see the doctor right away. That kept me from writing on Friday, I was still pretty tired on Saturday, and by the time Sunday rolled around Nova had a fever, too.  We took her to the doctor yesterday afternoon. Now she and I are both on antibiotics and I haven't done any actual writing in days.  

According to the doctor, Nova has an ear and throat infection resulting from her recent runny nose and cough. Also, her two top eye teeth are on the verge of breaking through the gum.  The result of all this is that she's nursing almost non-stop, more than she has since she was a newborn, I think.  

Now, this is the first time in Nova's 17 months that she's had to take antibiotics, and it isn't pretty.  Toddler antibiotics come in a sticky yellow liquid form, and are supposed to be dosed out by the teaspoonful.  The pharmacist suggested sticking the dosing syringe to the back of her mouth so that she couldn't taste the horrible stuff, or mixing it with yogurt to make it more appetizing.  I've tried both, and it's not working:  the bowl of yogurt went completely untouched, and after jamming the syringe into her mouth as gently as possible and forcing the liquid in, I'm not sure she's swallowed more than a drop.  

On the upside, she's less feverish and more cheerful today, and still nursing like a maniac.  The constant nursing should drain any lingering mastitis from my system, so we seem to have achieved sickly symbiosis. 


Anonymous said…
Yikes! I hate mastitis. I hope you all feel better soon!

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