I looked at the official festival brochure yesterday, and sure enough, these windmills are supposed to power the whole race village. That's what the brochure says, anyway. It's a "green" event... sponsored by an automobile manufacturer. I'd bet they get at least some of their power off the grid, if not most of it. I'm not as cynical as my husband, though, who thinks that the windmills are purely for show.

As I was taking these pictures, there was a guy walking past who looked like he might know something.
I said: "These sure look pretty permanent for something that just went up two days ago."
"They won't be there long, don't worry," he replied.
Too bad. I kinda like them.
As I was taking these pictures, there was a guy walking past who looked like he might know something.
I said: "These sure look pretty permanent for something that just went up two days ago."
"They won't be there long, don't worry," he replied.
Too bad. I kinda like them.
This is Jenny by the way! Hi to Nova! :)