Re-introducing myself

Welcome to the next chapter of this blog! Apart from one lonely stub post in 2012, I haven't touched this blog in over 9 years. Back then, I was focused on all things domestic. In some ways I still am, but my focus has really been all over the place. I finished my fantasy series and a Regency romance. I still write miscellaneous articles for the local press. My two kids are now well into their school years, and doing fine. Our family was on a TV show a couple of years ago, which was interesting, and my husband now has a thriving Youtube career.

As for me, I'm casually looking for a job, trying to get around to building a new chicken coop, playing guitar a little (this is new-ish), reading a lot, and continuing my usual hobby of immersing myself in one subject after another. This year, it's health -- a broad topic, but pretty important. At my age, and being as well-informed as I like to think I am, I should have figured out how to be healthy by now, right? But no. I do okay. I always pass my annual physicals just fine, but I have also always been a bit tired, gotten sick a bit more often than I think I should.

Humans are remarkably good at getting by in all sorts of settings, but it turns out that the modern mostly-urbanized, desk- and car-bound world is a setting that we're really not well adapted to, even though we made it ourselves. The problem is invisible because it's all around us, and it's complex and multi-faceted. Worse, enormous industries are heavily invested in maintaining and expanding the unhealthy status quo.

I've copy-pasted vast, scrolling pages of urls in my recent quest, and in the pages of this blog I hope to distill some of the best information into a usable form. I'm doing this as a variation on NaNoWriMo, known as NaNoBloPoMo, in which I am supposed to post daily for the entire month of November. We'll see how that goes.


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