Website Woes November 2019

My main author website has been hacked and I'm trying to fix it and finding the phone support at my web hosting company has gone way, way downhill in the past couple of years. This morning's support person has a raspy, sleepy voice as if she was out all night and is trying to make up for her lost sleep by curling up under the desk.

Anyway, I didn't keep up the blog posts and now it's the last day of November, so here comes the litany of excuses. I have much more to say but I'm still getting distracted by further research on the internet, and other things I might do with my life. I've also written a stack of articles for the local newspaper, which always seem to take up whole days of my writing life at a time. Meanwhile I had some kind of cold/bug that kept my brain running on a very low gear.

When that let up I have been trying to get my feet back on the ground at aikido. I'm about two months back into it after over a decade mostly away, and I'm trying to figure out a bunch of things... some of which actually relate to the health theme here.

  1. How much time can I realistically devote to practice, etc.? I used to practice about 5 days a week. With changing, getting there, etc., that added up to about 10 hours a week or more, which is a lot of time for me these days.
  2. How do I recover my past skill level and begin to improve? Re-learning how to fall is part of this, and relates to...
  3. Avoiding injury. So many people who train hard wind up with trashed knees, shoulders, etc. My weak point has been my lower back. I'm looking at a lot of resources about the kind of complementary workouts that I never really did when I was younger. I also need to figure out a way to practice that includes enough aerobic exertion while not leading to too many stupid injuries.
All of that does not fit neatly into a blog post yet. 

I'm also onto a kick of reading a lot about circadian rhythms, which has made me more firm about making my kids get outside every day. 

As I finish writing this, the web hosting support people have emailed back, throwing their hands up. They are not good at their job.


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